Perennials takes pride in producing top quality herb and perennial
liners (plugs). Whether you need native, xeriscape, green
roof, or just great looking landscape plants, we offer almost 300
varieties of perennials and herbs to fit your needs.
As we celebrate our 28th anniversary, we wish to express our appreciation to all of our loyal customers who have stood by us over the years. We also welcome all of our new customers and look forward to a lasting and rewarding relationship in the future. Wholesale Only Please! We cannot sell directly to the retail public. You must have a nursery or greenhouse license in order to purchase from our firm and Texas businesses must have a sales tax permit. |
Echinacea - Premadona Rose |
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Please note we have MOVED to 9205 S Central Expy Dallas, Texas 75241.
Google continues to list our information incorrectly. We don't have an account with Google. We don't want an account with Google. They are publishing incorrect information.